Renowned actor Yash has ditched his iconic KGF look for a new, striking hairstyle that has taken social media by storm. The transformation was first noticed when Yash appeared at the Mumbai airport on July 13, heading to attend Anant Ambani’s wedding. Fans and followers were quick to speculate that the new look might be connected to his upcoming film, “Toxic: A Fairy Tale For Grown-ups.”
Celebrity hairstylist Alex Vijaykanth has now confirmed that Yash’s new haircut is indeed for his role in “Toxic.” In an interview with Hindustan Times, Vijaykanth shared his excitement about the overwhelming response to Yash’s transformation.
“It was absolutely wonderful. We hadn’t even reached the hotel when the first pictures started circulating online,” Vijaykanth said. “Within minutes, the internet exploded and his look became a topic of discussion on all social media platforms. The reaction was overwhelming, but in the best way. I’m glad to have been a part of his transformation.”
Vijaykanth revealed that the inspiration for Yash’s new hairstyle came directly from the script of “Toxic.” He explained, “When I heard the script, I knew a shorter hairstyle would be perfect for the role. We settled on a customized pompadour style that fits his character and personality perfectly. His current look can be described as a stylish pompadour with a unique twist tailored specifically for the role he’s playing in the movie.”
Yash’s reaction to his new look was one of approval and excitement. “He hugged me and said, ‘Alex, yes, you did it!'” Vijaykanth recalled. However, the decision to part with his KGF look, which he had maintained for nearly five years, wasn’t easy. “He had his reservations,” admitted Vijaykanth. After several discussions and meetings, Yash finally agreed to the new look.
The hairstylist, who also created Yash’s iconic KGF appearance, expressed his anticipation for the audience’s reaction to Yash’s new look in “Toxic.” “Now, I’m eager to see how people will react to what the film unfolds,” he said.
“Toxic,” also starring Nayanthara, is set to be released on April 10, 2025. The buzz around Yash’s transformation is already building excitement for the film’s premiere.